Day 21

[Claude Monet, The Magpie, 1868–1869 Normandy]

Today is midwinter. It is the shortest day and longest night. The sun will not rise until 08:03 and will set at 3:52pm.  That is less than 8 hours daylight and 16 hours of night. But the good news is that this is the turning of the year. From this point the days will be getting longer and though there may be some hard and cold days ahead spring is inevitably coming.

There is this rhythm of death and new birth throughout the natural world. It is a necessary and beautiful part of creation. And our lives follow  the same pattern. The way to new dawns can only pass through the dark night. Naturally we are scared, often we resist it and fight to hold on to things, but the ability to let things pass, to accept times of failure and loss, trusting that in Christ there will always be a new beginnings and new life is one of the most profound privileges of faith.

Walk on in hope and faith, keep friends close, remember the map, and remember you never walk alone.

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